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Holistic Intuitive





Radiate Empowerment. 


Are you are a sensitive, evolving soul needing assistance with your ascension journey?

Nichole offers personalized sessions and programs to help with this transition of expansion.

Experience Psychotherapy Through a Quantum Soul Healing Lens

~ Inner Child & Attachment Healing for harmonious relationships ~


~ Personalized Astrology & Numerology services ~


~ Energy Healing & guided visualizations ~


~ Past Life Regression & healing ~


~ Manifesting Intentions & creating your ideal life ~


~ Higher Self activations & meditations ~


~ Lifestyle, health & Wellness exploration with personalized feedback ~

Explore your inner world

Navigate this shift in consciousness with your own personalized toolbox for spiritual, physical & emotional wellness

Your Therapeutic Experience Is Important

 In this life, your soul is yearning for experiences; to process them and the impact they had, integrate the effects they had on you, and learn from them. This is all so you can bask in the authentic and permanent growth that happens as a result of you stepping into your power. There is no need for shame and self-sabotage; there is only unconditional love for yourself and gratitude for your experiences. Even the difficult ones led us to where we are right now, which is perfect and divine in our unique journey of growth and expansion.  


Nichole is passionate about working with fellow healers and lightworkers who are currently in a space of evolution and change, needing support on their individual journeys. She offers an abundance of education and resources, with personalized tools and all the assistance you need on your healing journey. In whatever capacity you are here to heal and be healed, you are in good hands when you embark on the quest of authentic self discovery with a safe space to unpack and integrate your experiences. 



Holistic Intuitive Psychotherapy

60 minute session - $175

90 minute session - $260 


These intuitively and spiritually focused sessions are geared toward exploring, understanding, healing, and integrating experiences from this life. A safe space is held for you to dive deeper into understanding your relationships and attachments. This is inner child healing work, or what you would hear clinically referred to as “parts” work. The overarching intention for these sessions is to empower you and help bring you into alignment with your intuition, to foster a deep sense of trust in yourself and your life journey. This type of support is a foundational start for many in their Quantum Soul Healing journey.


Nichole integrates astrological and numerological influences as relevant to your needs, and also provides energy healing visualizations to assist with deep healing work - all used as tools and resources to support you in your personal healing experience. 


Scroll down to contact Nichole for a free consultation

lifestyle, health & wellness

60 minute session - $200


In this comprehensive assessment, we dive deep into your health history, how culture has influenced your daily life, what kind of lifestyle you currently live, as well as how all these things impact your emotional wellbeing and general outlook on life/yourself. Intentions are explored around your physical, mental and spiritual health. There is a lot of information discussed and many personalized recommendations you will receive in the session, as well as a personalized packets of resources and different holistic protocols based on what was discussed in session.


This is a great option for those who are eager to know more about their physical and mental health needs, for more information around a holistic approach to life, and ready to jump into the action phase of manifestation!


Scroll down to contact Nichole for a free consultation


Personalized healing & exploration

Personalized Astrology & Numerology Services - $255

All Other Offerings:

60 minute session - $175

90 minute session - $260



Transform your healing journey into a personalized experience, where you choose the services most resonating with your unique needs. 


In these sessions, you are offered a variety of transformative services, each tailored to delve into different aspects of your healing process. You may feel called to explore all of these services, or perhaps there is a specific one that speaks to you. Whether you seek insights from: ​


  • Personalized Astrology Report or Numerology Report

  • Energy Healing Visualizations

  • Past Life Regression Healings

  • Experiencing Higher Self Activations

  • Manifesting intentions in the Quantum Field


These sessions are all designed for deep healing and self-discovery, with the resources and support to facilitate an authentic transformational experience. Through a therapeutic lens, each service becomes a personalized tool for your holistic well-being. These sessions offer a sacred space to explore and integrate spiritual influences, fostering alignment, empowerment and a profound connection to your authentic self.


Scroll down to contact Nichole for a free consultation


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